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Doc Breuer


Open Letter To The County Councils Of The Third Congressional District of South Carolina:

Sir: This is an announcement of my intention to run as a write-in candidate for the seat of the former Hon. J Gresham Barrett.

I am keenly aware that a write-in ballot is likely to fail 99% percent of the time, UNLESS the candidate receives the resounding support of the existing political leadership. Strom Thurmond, himself would not have won his senatorial seat without the endorsement of the then Governor of the State of South Carolina.

I am asking for your support among your constituents on the premise that you agree with the fact that Congress no longer represents the majority of our people, but rather votes to perpetuate its own power and longevity.

As described in my previous communications, I faithfully promise to get the specific advice of each County Council before I vote on any called vote in the House of Representatives. For example did Congressman Barrett get your input before voting for the massive TARP BILL, or before accepting Stimulus Funds? I suspect he did not...I WILL.

If after reviewing my complete biography at and work history you decide you can trust my promise, please confer with your local supporters and offer my name as meeting with your approval.

My Sincere Thanks for Your Attention,

Dr. Charles E. (DOC) Breuer, Jr.

see also

COPY COPY COPY Original previously mailed to Oconee County Council via USPO

for 3rd District of SC Sep./4/2010

Open Letter to the County Councils of the
Third Congressional District of SC


I am C.E. (Doc) Breuer, write-in candidate for the seat cited above formerly held by the Hon. J. Gresham Barrett. My platform is simple: I believe the citizens of our country are deeply distressed by the fact that the present government has totally ignored the will of the majority of our citizens in favor of dictatorial/authoritarian methods contrary to the Constitution. Therefore, I intend--if elected--to inaugurate an Internet feedback system for each of the ten counties in the third district where I can get the input of each county on every item of proposed legislation.

Let me ask the councils one question: How many times did Mr. Barrett solicit your input prior to casting his vote in Washington? Once, twice, often, never? I promise to do so on every called vote. I will encourage each council to designate a contact person who will relay the will of the council regarding any upcoming bill to me. Thereafter I will vote not according to my personal political philosophy, but always in accordance with the will of the majority of the combined councils.

I will remain an independent and I will cast my vote for any bill the majority of the councils recommend whether sponsored by a Republican, a Democrat or and Independent member of Congress.

It is immaterial to me which political party the individual council members endorse. Their race, sex, or religious preferences do not matter, I simply wish to know how the majority of your membership wants me to vote and I will vote accordingly.

I regret not being able to meet with you all at this time, face to face to clarify my thinking on this proposal; and some attention must be given to population densities, but my intent should be crystal clear...the will of the majority (with equal protection of the minority) has always been the rule of law...and should be again. If you truly want the citizens of your county to have a direct voice in Federal government through you, encourage them to write-in "DOC BREUER" in November.


see http://docbreuer/com

Doc Breuer write in poll: 2

Out of the users that have visited this site 2 out of 66489 say they would write in Doc Breuer if they knew the write in would help get him elected for president. (Not every candidate is registered/eligible for write in votes in every state).

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